On the auspicious occasion of the AWS’ 15th Founder’s Day, the atmosphere at the school was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The event was held on 6 April, 2023, to commemorate the legacy of the founder of Adarsh World School, who had envisioned the school that would nurture young minds and provide them with the best education possible.
The event was graced by the presence of Ms. Savita Sharma, Principal of AWS, Dr. Shilpi (Vice Principal) Ms. Sudesh Sharma, Manager of AWS and Ms. Rani, Ms. Anusha Sharma (Founder of Young plum), Mr. Ankit Sharma.
The ceremony began by lighting the ceremonial lamp followed by a beautiful Saraswati Vandana with a birthday song being sung by the Adarshians, a mesmerizing poem and a scintillating dance performance.
The Principal addressed the students and quoted Walt Disney, “All our dreams can be true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” She spoke about the founder’s vision and the journey of school over the years. To seek the blessings of Almighty, a Hawan was performed, followed by the Bhandara Prasad, arranged by the school management for all the staff members and the students. It was a memorable experience for everyone and it will be cherished for years to come.
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