Assesment Promotion

E-learning has become the utmost necessity in the present time. The world has turned topsy turvy during the pandemic of Covid – 19. But the learning has not stopped. Children are still learning and are being assessed on their ability to comprehend.

KINDERGARTENThe assessment in Kindergarten is a continuous process without any formal examination. The children are assessed and promoted on their day-to-day class performance. Without any outward pressure, the children are allowed to groom and learn things in a natural manner.

CLASSES I – III The evaluation of classes I, II, and III are done in the form of Cycle Tests, the motto of which is to lessen the burden of the syllabus on the minds of young ones.

The whole academic session is divided into four-cycle tests. The first two Cycle Tests make Evaluation I and Cycle Tests III and IV make Evaluation II. Both the evaluations will make the Final Evaluation.

After each evaluation, the report card can be seen on the school portal, Skolaro.

As per the rules of the examination, if the child misses any Cycle Test, the test would not be taken under any circumstances.

CLASSES IV – VIII   The evaluation of classes IV to VIII comprises of  Mid Term Examination and Annual Examination.


Class test I (MCQs) – 20 marks

Pre-Mid (MCQs) – 30 marks

Mid Term (written)- 30 marks

Holiday Homework – 10 marks

Subject Enrichment Activity – 10 marks


Class test II (MCQs) – 20 marks

Post Mid (MCQs) – 30 marks

Annual (written)- 30 marks

Notebook – 10 marks

Subject Enrichment Activity – 10 marks

NOTE:  As per the rules of the examination, if the child misses any test, the same would not be taken under any circumstances.


Classes IX – XII are assessed on CBSE pattern. It comprises of Pre Mid, Post Mid  Mid term and Annual assessment / Pre Board EXAMS..

Assessment of listening and speaking skills is conducted in each term in the subject of Hindi and English.

The students are assessed in Physical Education, Work Education, and Art Education in all the assessments.

The final report and promotion are based on the student’s performance throughout the year in academics and co-curricular activities and sports. 75% of the attendance is compulsory in each term. If the child does not fulfill the attendance criteria, he/she is not allowed to sit in the examination.