Promoting Cleanliness and Civic Responsibility

Promoting Cleanliness and Civic Responsibility

At Adarsh World School we believe in nurturing not only young minds but also responsible citizens. With this spirit in mind, a cleanliness drive was organized on 5th October, 23 as a collaborative effort between students, teachers, and staff.

The day commenced with a pledge wherein all students and teachers took oath and promised themselves to stay clean and keep their surroundings clean.

Armed with gloves, trash bags, and brooms, students eagerly set out to make a difference. The school premises were divided into designated cleaning zones, ensuring that every nook and corner was covered. The was not only confined to the building but the street in front and behind the building was cleaned thoroughly.

The students also participated in poster making competition with immense enthusiasm and zeal.

The enthusiasm and commitment displayed by our students were truly commendable. They worked diligently throughout the day, turning the school into a cleaner, more beautiful place. The message was clear: a clean school environment promotes a positive atmosphere for learning and instills a sense of responsibility in our students.

This cleanliness drive served as a reminder that cleanliness is not a one-time effort but a habit that should be ingrained in our daily lives.

In conclusion, thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our students, teachers, and staff. We believe that such initiatives are essential in molding responsible citizens who will contribute positively to society.

We look forward to more such initiatives in the future, as we continue to strive for a cleaner and greener world, one step at a time.


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