Vision Statement

‘Vision is the ability to see what the end looks like before you start.’ Education is not an end but a means to achieve that end.

The Adarsh schools’ in Delhi have a vision – the vision of providing quality education on one hand and inculcating and co-combining a perfect blend of ‘Adarsh’ i.e. ideals and high principles of life, on the other. This also necessitates keeping one’s feet firmly planted in the age old values and a sojourn in the field of all that is new and fast emerging. Adarsh World School has been set up with this adage in mind.

Adarsh World will truly become a global congregation imbibing and inculcating the best that the World could provide to the youngsters and the school will fulfil the demands of this fast growing generation. The school plans to send at least 25% of its finishing students across the world to furnish various courses from top Colleges & Universities, on the other hand, invite at least 5% students from abroad to study in its campus in various grades.

Our message to our young Global Leaders: ‘Always surround yourself with people who encourage you and make you believe that you can do it.’